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Fruit fly traps using ripe banana, apple or mango peel

Fruit fly traps using ripe banana, apple or mango peel

Pest attracted

Fruit flies

Materials required

    fruit fly trap
  • Plastic jar 1 litre
  • Ripe banana or apple or mango
  • jaggery/Sugar solution
  • Wires/ropes for hanging the trap


Cut fruit peels into small pieces and mix with sugar and water. Make circular holes randomly on the plastic jar. Place sugary water inside the container. Hang the bait/lure from the lid with the help of a wire/rope. Use wire/rope for hanging the trap close to the plant canopy. Change the lures once in 15- 20 days. Flush out the trapped insects periodically.

No. of traps per acre


Source: Skill Development of Farmers for Production of IPM inputs in IPM Seva Kendra

Related resources

  1. Illustrative Guide for Trapping, Monitoring and Identification of economically important Fruit Flies.

చివరిసారిగా మార్పు చేయబడిన : 3/1/2020

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