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Light Traps

Pest attracted

Armyworm, bugs, cutworm, flies, gnats, bollworm, leafhoppers, planthoppers, stem borers

Materials required

light trap
  • Plastic buckets 5-10 lts.
  • Metal light shade (2 nos.)
  • Fluorescent light with holder
  • Electrical wires
  • Coated metal rods (4 nos.)
  • Tin sheets
  • String/ flexible wire
  • Nut bolts & Screws
  • Rubber plug for drainage hole
  • Soap water or Kerosinized water

light trap materiallight trap materiallight trap material

Materials required for light trap

light trap


Take a bucket and make 4 holes at the top rim and one larger hole at the bottom rim. Adjust small sized light shade on the bucket in inverse direction. Fix four rods with screws/nuts with the bucket for holding up the large sized light shade. Fix the light source as shown in the figure. Hang the light trap on the large sized light shade. Drainage hole on the bucket should be kept closed by the rubber plug while filling it with soap water/kerosinized water. Collect/drain out trapped insects periodically.

Procedure for installation

  • Install the light trap near or within the field where you want to trap the flying insects
  • Secure the poles firmly on the ground
  • Mount the lamp or the bulb on the frame, five meters from the ground
  • When using electric bulb, make sure that the bulb and wiring are not in contact with water to avoid electrocution
  • Place the shallow basin with soapy water or the jute sack underneath the light
  • Put the light trap from early evening 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM
  • Collect the trapped insects daily and dispose them properly

No. of traps per acre ; 2

Source: Skill Development of Farmers for Production of IPM inputs in IPM Seva Kendra

చివరిసారిగా మార్పు చేయబడిన : 4/1/2020

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